Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thoughts on Movie-Jesus

God has started to revive my heart, for which I'm grateful. And, I don't know why, but lately, in the car, I've flipped to 97.3 - Christian Radio (formerly, the best sports radio station in Kansas City, but I'm not F-ing bitter). I go, hoping to hear a good song, I leave with blog material. . . and not hearing a good song.

Heard today. . . on K-LOVE. . . .

The Women of Faith conference is on its way to Texas - and all women are invited. Come, revive your faith. You're invited to a weekend of awesome worship (probably Darlene Zzzeck), and awesome speakers, and your chance to meet:

Movie Jesus.

Jim Caviezel.

I'm sure. . . ahem. . . it will be a very. . . um. . . spiritual experience for them. "HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS, JESUS!! NEVER LET ME GO!"

Spiritual. Right.


hootenannie said...

I heard Jim Caviezel speak at the Inn in Seattle, and I actually loved it. And NO - not just because he's ridiculously good looking. He made me fascinated with Catholicism - anyone that devout is to be respected.

So Jeremy. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Jeremy Parsons said...

Annie, I think that Point of Grace will be there too. You should go - it will be the BEST EVER!

Wearing a Man-Skirt (for now) said...


Wow, who knew such measures had to be taken to get American women to a spiritual conference. Obscene. Pathetic.

Um, so when and where is this conference and how much? ;)

Beth said...

Jeremy - I found your blog through your sister Annie's, whose blog I found through my cousin Marijke's, and anyway... I enjoy your posts. This one in particular made me laugh. It's like you're trying SO HARD to enjoy Christian music, but each time you listen it just slaps you in the face and you come away more, uh, cynical. (My husband, a pastor, is also not so much a fan.)

Also wanted to pipe in and say (admit?) that I attended part of the WOF conference here in MN last year, and I, though pastor's wife that I am, thought it was a huge waste of time. Where was Jim C. last year?? :)

Cheers - keep up the good blogging and seeking...


bec said...

Don't be hatin' on the Christian women! I bet Ashley is DYING to go deep down inside.


you're such a smart ass. It's one of the things I love most about you.

Dev said...

Too bad president Ahmadinejad isn't an American Christian woman, I bet he is dying to go.

Carol, Genny, Lucy, and Oliver said...

hahahahah! very funny.