Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thoughts on ripped pants

I am over a quarter century old. Yet, I continue to learn.

Lesson for the day? A pair of ripped jeans (right "down the middle" so to speak) can ruin the fun I have at a 3 year old's birthday party - pronto. Happy Birthday Annabelle. In 10 years, what will her memory be of her 3rd birthday? The present we got her? No. Some brown haired guy with a gaping hole in his jeans.

An easy solution? My jacket tied around my waist. Fun resumes, life goes on, and I look like a jackass. Although, come to think of it, how's that different than any other day?

Really, who's cooler than Jeremy? Don't answer that.


Wearing a Man-Skirt (for now) said...
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Wearing a Man-Skirt (for now) said...

Hey, bro, as long as you're only scarring other people's kids for life. As for me, your blog is scarring my teaching career/productivity for life, but it's also scarring my soul with many wonderful things. Thanks. And thanks for your consistent comments on our blog--you encourage us greatly. Love and miss you. Oh, really nice post on New York, by the way. You captured the city's overwhelming, enigmatic power to impress all who go there.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud!