Friday, March 7, 2008

Thoughts on trouble

Ashley and I have a pretty keen sense of when trouble is brewing in our household. Whether it be a dirty diaper, or my boys digging into an ice cream bar or grabbing a pack of crayons to go "play" - as a parent you develop the keen sense that trouble is on its way. . .

Ladies and gentlemen....let me introduce you to 30 pounds of trouble. His name is Tyler, he's 2 (almost 3), has the raddest long hair ever, and is the king of making people laugh or swoon. He's never been cuter, or more fun. . . .and when he gave his mommy the big puppy dog eyes at bed time tonight and she got him up to come be with us on the couch, I knew trouble was brewing.

And thanks to my new Canon 50mm 1.4 lens, I was able to capture some of the trouble. . . . this little exchange with his mommy was great...

I am more proud of this guy than I could ever say. I love who he is, I love watching him grow, learn, inquire about simple things in life...I love that he loves his mom and I a lot - loves his brother like a best buddy/mentor - I love the way he goes through this life so winsomely, winning hearts of friends and strangers he might acquaint himself with in a grocery cart. I love his sense of humor, how much he loves the movie Cars, how he can't lay still through the night (good luck to his future wife), and his bed head in the morning.

I love everything about this little man - I love mostly that he's my son. I'll take trouble any day of the week.


Dev said...

what a doll. His hair is rock and roll

bec said...

are the cookies are ready, gwandmom? :)

Sarah said...

What a great post friend! What a cute little guy he is! Good pics too! Miss and love you guys!

Sarah said...


hootenannie said...

He is hilarious. And sweet. Remember when he would burrow when he was a baby? He's still snuggly.