Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thoughts on randominity

That's right, randominity. What a ridonkulous word. I catch myself with random thoughts in my mind all of the time. Here are some:

Cereal has four stages: "boxed," "fresh" (the stage with newly poured milk), "soggy", and "mortar hard" after the leftover flakes dry out. How the f do they get so hard? You might as well simply take rock and epoxy it to the side of the bowl. I also wonder if there was a leak in your basement, if you could simply pour a bowl of Raisin Bran, enjoy 98% of it, and then past the remaining milky flakes over the hole? Wait, I'm going to market that. . . .

I love doing the dishes - placing dishes into the washer. (I use "love" loosely in this sentence). I hate unloading the dishwasher.

There's nothing better when you're with "the guys" than smoking a tobacco pipe. You just feel more manly. There's then nothing worse than the taste in your mouth for 3 days afterward.

On the road paved with good intentions, I am in great shape. In real life, I am not in good shape. Also, on the road paved with good intentions, I read all the time, am a perfect father and husband, a better friend, a better brother, a better son, and I don't procrastinate ever.

High education isn't necessary for all walks of life - I believe that. Not everyone needs to read poetry by Robert Frost, have a deep abiding knowledge of Presidential History, or even know what year the war of 1812 happened. But I know an adult who could take a few steps forward in that arena. I saw a sampling of his spelling recently. I mean, rock: R-O-K? Seriously?

Do animals have thoughts? Not dogs or (evil) cats, but cows? Chickens? What would a cow be thinking walking into a slaughterhouse?
"This is a great place! So many of my friends here. Cool - a big building and. . . .what the. . . oh crap . . . "

I'm so thankful that God created steak.

My oldest son's belly laugh is the greatest sound on earth. Tied with my youngest son's belly laugh.

New dream career: Cuban band pianist - or percussion player. I'm kidding, but seriously: it's my dream.

And where to study? It couldn't be anywhere but:

You thought I forgot how hot Appalachian was? You're wrong.

Randominity. Have a good day.


Dev said...

Good one jer. i thoroughly enjoyed the randominity. On the road to good intentions I am productive 100% of the time, but man I would miss Lost on that road, and Grey's, ...The Office...Biggest Loser........The Hills (shame!) BTW, two things: I think it is arbol, not arbor. I am 99% sure that I saw Murray (present) in Hell's Kitchen today.

rachel rianne said...

the poor unfortunate souls who attend asu.
if i have that song in my head for the rest of the day, i'm going to hurt you.

do you want to be a Cuban who plays the piano in a band?
or do you want to play band piano in Cuba?

Krysten said...

Dude, you better be glad we live halfway across the friggin world because if we didn't my hands would be around your neck, squeezing, RIGHT NOW. My husband was singing the asu theme song over, and over, and over, andoverandoverandover and OVER last night.

Wearing a Man-Skirt (for now) said...

I'm the husband she speaks of, and if I was any less hot than ASU, she would have strangled me too.

J-5 said...

That was awesome...but not as awesome as eric clapton...