Monday, May 5, 2008

Thoughts on blogging

Man. . . .can you ever forgive me?


Almost a month's time has gone by, and I have blissfully wandered through my days, scarcely realizing that something is dreadfully wrong. No blog posts.

I am sorry.

Forgive me.

I know I have lost many followers in the past month. But I am coming back. Strong.

But seriously. . . .I am coming back. . . .right. . . . .now.

Hello blog world. Welcome back to the random world of Jeremy Parsons. . . .


rachel rianne said...

a few weeks ago, i had to walk my bike through a building on campus (i forgot my lock, silly me) and my darned mountain bike's (i really need myself a road bike) weapon of a pedal took a huge chunk out of the back of my heel. i haven't bled that much in a while, but all i could think in my head was,


Dev said...

Ah the hilarity of parents laughing in the face of their child's desperate plea to save his brother's life. But seriously, glad you are blogging again!