Friday, April 11, 2008

Thoughts on road rage

Driving down I-35 in Kansas City at 5:15 PM is not the greatest idea. Okay, KC is not the largest place on earth - not LA, not NYC, not Seattle - but come on, any city with 2 million people is bound to have traffic issues.

I, in my stylin' van, cruised North toward Liberty, MO, to pick up a love seat - given to us from Ashley's parents. Traffic was actually moving pretty quickly, all things considered. In a 65, I got caught behind a gentleman going 58 - with traffic moving at a 62 MPH clip. Trying to keep up with my wife, in another car, I crept up behind this fine gentleman - closer, closer, closer...then his brake lights flash as he taps his brakes - obviously telling me to back off.

I kindly told him with my arm (no fingers) that he needs to move.

He kindly told me with his arm that I am an idiot and he isn't moving. In fact - he owns the road, and will drive as slow as he damn well wants to in the left lane while everyone else is passing him.

In my mind, I won the fight between us. And yes, I am driving a minivan, which yes, I realize, is about the lamest car ever.

But I drove proudly today...because the manly man in front of me drove a teal Daewoo, and at least I don't drive that. Advantage: minivan


bec said...

i have so noticed how much drivers around here aggravate me too! i suppose it is everywhere, but it SEEMS especially bad here.

like people who pull out from a stop sign, even though they have looked to see you are coming, and you then have to brake significantly to allow them to pick up their speed, and THEN they end up just going 5 under anyway. in their bmw or their mercedes of course. bastards.

my friends all tell me that i am the nicest person ever...until i get behind the wheel of the car.

rachel rianne said...

good form, jeremy.
i'm proud of you showing up the angered drivers of kc.
there are many of them, just because, you know... in the midwest we don't like anyone messing with us in any way and making our lives a little harder, because, by gosh, we all deserve to have the most plain, simple, straightforward, easy to handle lives. and if driving messes that up at all, then let's just get angry.

it was nice to hear you lead worship today. maybe i'll see you this summer for a bit?

Sarah said...

This sounds like something you would write. Except you wouldn't want to slow dance to a christian song AND Ashley wouldn't either. But seriously, I think you may laugh at some of this. Thank you Laura Steidl for the introduction.

Krysten said...

Holy flip, can we get a new post up in here???