Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thoughts on Thanksgiving (what? you were expecting Christmas?)

Ahhhh, thanksgiving. It's the "Diet Coke" of the Holidays. And, since I love to eat (take a good look at this blog-writer), I'd even consider this the "Diet Coke with lime" holiday. In other words - I love thanksgiving.

And, it's strange, but every Thanksgiving, I really get the sense that I need to be thinking about what I'm thankful for. I don't know, it's weird how it works, but sometimes I just feel like today would be a good day to give thanks. Maybe it comes from the root of the word "Thanksgiving."

Published author Jack Handy advocates that to truly understand the meaning of a word, you need to look at the root word origins that make up your new word. Handy states:

"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind."

Handy is right, obviously.

Fortunately, thanksgiving is an easier topic than mankind. Giving thanks. . . .only reversed.

And so I wake up this morning giving thanks. Here are some things I'm thankful for, in no particular order.

I'm thankful for the Kansas City fall. I'm grateful for the orange leaves that now grace my driveway. I am grateful to see a few flurries of snow on the ground right now - especially since I am currently inside the house where it is warm. This will probably change on Monday when I'm outside. On Monday, I'm grateful for warm clothes.

I'm grateful for my kids. I'm grateful for Micah - now a 4 year old - and sharp as a tack. I'm grateful for the way he speaks so well, and enjoys doing so so much that he actually says words while he's breathing in. I'm grateful for the way he prays before dinner and bed time - how he loves people so much, how he cares about others' feelings, and how he gives everyone a chance - even the mean kids on the playgrounds (who will get nothing but coal this year. . . .the little bastards).

I'm grateful as well for Tyler. 2 and a half and a bundle of life and joy wherever he goes. I'm grateful for his sense of humor. I love laughing with him and seeing him make others laugh. I love that wherever he goes, he smiles, and he gives that smile to others. I love how much he loves his big brother - always - and how he is able to go into a room alone and play for hours, giving voice to each and every toy he plays with (almost always a very high pitched voice).

I love my wife and am grateful for her. And I don't want that to sound like a cliche, simply because we're married. I love her - truly and deeply. I love her heart, her wisdom, her looks, her laugh. I love seeing her come alive as a photography talent is grown. I love seeing her cuddle our kids. I love spending time with her more than anyone else, and alternately miss her whenever I'm not around her. I love that we've been married for 6 and a half years and that it doesn't feel old or stale; and I love being able to dream of the future with her. I love my wife. I love thinking about Thanksgivings with her for years.

I'm grateful for my family - both here and away. My mom and dad, all three sisters, Kent and Elizabeth - I am grateful for you all. I was blessed to be with my whole family for Thanksgiving this year. I have Christmas with Kent and Eliz to look forward to. I'm thankful for family - for years of memories building up to this Thanksgiving moment. I love knowing that there are more memories coming also. I tell you, it's weird to see your siblings all grown up.

I'm thankful for my friends. Even the ones who don't comment. I'm grateful and thank God for new life growing in Jane, and that Jerome is the man with skills - despite their blatant lack of commenting power (hi guys). I'm so thankful for them and their boys (and maybe a girl? probably not!)

I'm grateful for laughter bestowed upon me through my friends Tim and Krysten in Kuwait. Yes, Kuwait. I'm thankful for their insight into the world around them - truly talented people. Their blog is - go read it. Mostly, I'm grateful that I'm actually going to see them at Christmas time. Oh man, I'm grateful for that.

I'm grateful for the deep caring heart of Devon and Zak - I'm grateful how much they love my wife and I and our kids. I'm thankful that everything that makes me laugh - makes them laugh too. I love laughing with those guys. And I'm ultra grateful for my Christmas present. . . .an NYC trip in December. (are you freaking kidding me?) Thanks, and that hardly covers it.

I'm thankful for Sarah in mexico. I'm thankful for her heart to serve the Lord and how He has blessed her work down there. I'm thankful hearing about a special friend in her life. . . a boyfriend;) She also comments on the blog. I'm thankful.

I'm thankful for other old friends. But I'm so thankful for growing new friendships. The Walkers and Eubanks in particular - like family to us here. They have stood beside us in some difficult moments, and I love being able to stand beside them in the midst of life's trials also. Community is incredible. Watching Megan and Bret growing a child is incredible - watching Genny and Carol raise their newborn daughter is incredible. I love these guys.

Ok, this post could grow to epic lengths if I keep going. If you feel like I "left you out" - sorry. I probably did. Sheesh, stop crying!

The point is, I am cynical and pretty good at picking out life's problems and troubles and dwelling on those. I miss out on the little blessings around me as a result. But - I am thankful for you all - the people in my life. Be blessed today as you shop. Enjoy the zoo that is Christmas in America. You all make my life beautiful and I am grateful.


Wearing a Man-Skirt (for now) said...

What's with the giving thanks on Thanksgiving? You're so wierd.Like you said, the words aren't even in the right order...
We figured Ashley couldn't keep it a secret for long. Now we can openly celebrate. Luckily I have that amazing "One more time" song stuck in my head (the one with the hip bubbly voice effect), so I'll be celebrating all day long, one more time. But, really, it's not a laughing matter. We're thankful to the point of tears that we get to see you. Thanks, God! Thanks, Z & D!!

Krysten said...

I'm thankful for you, bro. And so thankful that the six of us will be together in just three short weeks (or an eternity if you are teaching spoiled twelve year olds in the desert).It will be a rollicking good time. Even if our Givingthanks was spent eating tuna sandwiches in said middle of the desert, I still thought of your family and held back my tears of homesickness.