Friday, August 31, 2007

Thoughts on Glorious Blades

It's official - I have been educated in the ways of true figure skating. My teacher? Chazz Michael Michaels.

Blades of Glory.


After a long week of work, watching this movie was a true delight - scrumtrelescent you might say. The acting? Terrible. The plot? Two dudes pairing up for a skating competition? Good? No. But PERFECT.

Will Ferrell can make every scene he's in just great. Raised on the tough streets of Motown, did he have a tough childhood? "Only if you call a 9 year old boy having a 35 year old girlfriend tough". He's considered a "sex tornado", and doesn't just perform for a crowd - he makes love to it.

The movie, with all its stupid humor and bad plotlines, reminded me just how cleansing a good laugh can be. Stress relieving, clarifying, settling.

Go laugh, my one reader. Sit for a couple hours and let yourself go. Life's too heavy otherwise. Just my thoughts.


bec said...

whoever invented rope was a real a-hole.

glad we got to watch it with you guys. did i leave it at your house? it was due yesterday :o/

hootenannie said...

It's in my Netflix queue...ue.