Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thoughts on Hilarity

A joke I heard recently:

A man went to hell (haha) and came face to face with Satan, the lord of darkness. Satan banished the man to work in the burning fields of fire - digging a ditch between Beelzebub's castle and the gates of Sheohl. And so the man worked. . . .and worked and worked and worked. And he dug the ditch, alone, mile after mile - tirelessly using his rusty, blistering shovel. And all the while, he whistled a happy tune, laughed to himself, and was always happy to lend an encouraging, helpful word to his fellow hellians - though they burned and suffered in mindless, eternal torture.

After the ditch was completed, and the man came back to Satan with a big smile on his face, the king of despair was perplexed.

"Slave, why are you so happy? How can you withstand my punishment?"

And the man, with a foolish grin on his face, replied: "I'm from Kansas City, Missouri, and the summer's are hotter than hell."

Ok. . . . .calm down. Hilarious I know. Wipe the tears from your eyes, and read on. It is 100 degrees each day, plus humidity - and working in grass fields without shade probably pushes the heat index to around 110+.

Also hilarious? The number of cuss words a typical construction worker might use in a typical day. I'd say the lover/under is 2500 (68% - the F word, 25% - the S word, and 7% - words so creative that I don't know what they mean - only that they're really bad).

Much love to all who read the blog - and leave me spectacular comments.

Other funny things:


hootenannie said...

Let it be known that your blog makes me laugh SOOOOOO HARD. I really did have to wipe tears from my eyes. :)

Dev said...

And then did Satan play a song on his guitar made from a hellspun mixture of the bones of fornicators and the sinew of theives? Thanks for the laughs!

Sarah said...

You're a hoot.

bec said...

i would have commented long ago, but alas. you have your blog on an elite setting that only allows bloggers to leave love!

well, lucky for you, i have become elite.

Krysten said...

I'm trying to feel sorry for you , but I live in Kuwait :)